
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Constantin Boșcodeală
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Luminiţa Colţeanu- Senior councillor to the Investments Department
Iosif Calin
Total population: 
115 494
Census 2011
Roma living in the Municipality: 
5 466
Description of the Municipality: 

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The Buzau Municipality in the centre of Buzau county serves as the county seat. There are 5,466 Roma out of a total population of 115, 494 inhabitants.
Traditionally, the Roma community in the Buzau Municipality belong to the following groups: 45% are ursari (traditionally they were bear tamers), 30% are lăieşi (traditionally blacksmiths); 10% are kalderash; 8% are argintari (traditionally silversmiths); 7% are lăutari (traditionally musicians).

On the whole, the Roma population are scattered throughout the entire city, with the exception of the Simileasca neighbourhood where they lived in a concentrated group.

Access to education and consequently to labour market are important challenges for these communities with only 0.80% having university degree, 7% having college education and 28.61% having completed secondary education. A high number of the Roma community members are involved in seasonal migration to Nordic countries, particularly to Sweden.


Timeline Points

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