
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Ovidiu Teodor Cretu
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
George Avram, City Administrator; Marcela Tudoran, Social Worker; Radu Dreptate, Head of the Social Work Department
Florin Marin
Total population: 
77 786
National Statistics Institute 2016
Roma living in the Municipality: 
1 644
Description of the Municipality: 

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Bistrita is the capital city of Bistrița-Năsăud County, in north-west Romania. It administers six villages: Sigmir, Slatina, Ghinda, Sărata, Unirea and Viişoara.
Roma population in Bistrita is unofficially about 3000 people mainly settled in Viişoara.
The Roma Counseling Office was created within the Bistrita Social Assistance Directorate to improve the situation of Roma citizens in Bistrita.  


The ROMACT Process

ROMACT Process started in November 2018 with the signature of the Letter of Agreement.

Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :

Local Authorities (LA):
* Accessing Structural and Cohesion Funds
* Project management
* Social assistance - working procedures for children with migrant parents
* Partnership management
* Expert for accessing structural & cohesion funds
* Public procurement expert

Community Action Groups (CAG):
* Start-up Nation project
* Community Development
ROMACT Small Grants Scheme 
ROMACT offers small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable and to multiply the good practices across ROMACT municipalities.

Under the scheme of small grants, the following project was supported by ROMACT in Bistrita between September 2020 – December 2021:

Supporting vulnerable children in primary grades – Bistrita Gymnasia School

ROMACT supported Bistrita Gymnasia School with 3922 €, reaching 54 pupils and 30 families who are vulnerable with poor financial status. The project increased the pupils’ school attendance in a proper sanitary environment with higher level of self-esteem through the procurement of school supplies and hygiene products for each pupil. Pupils and their families received counselling session on the role and importance of education to reduce school drop-outs during the pandemic.

Timeline Points

29 Nov 2018
Step 1- Becoming Commited- Signature of the letter of commitment
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