Podu Iloaei

General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Ioan Alexa
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Alexandra Gugiuman, Counselor of the mayor
Corina Mihaila
Total population: 
9 730
National census 2011
Description of the Municipality: 

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Podu Iloaiei is a town in Iași County, in Northern Romania. Four villages are administered by the town: Budăi, Cosițeni, Holm and Scobâlțeni. 

According to the municipality, there are about 3 000 Roma living in Podu Iloaiei mainly, but also in Cosițeni, Holm and Scobâlțeni. 
A large part of the Roma face a number of problems such as unemployment, lack of access to basic services, including water and sewage, illegal housing, lack of ID and a high rate of school drop out. 


The ROMACT Process

ROMACT Process started in February 2021 with the signature of the Letter of Agreement.
In January 2023, the Joint Action Plan for Roma Inclusion was adopted by the Local Council. 

Local Authorities representatives were trained/coached on:

* Implementation of projects financed by the Human Capital Operational Program
* Public procurement (certified training)
* Project management (certified training)

ROMACT Small Grants Scheme
ROMACT offers small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable and to multiply the good practices across ROMACT municipalities.
Under the scheme of small grants, the following project was supported by ROMACT in Podu Iloaiei in May 2021:

Water is not a luxury; it is a necessity! – Podu Iloaiei Municipality
ROMACT supported the municipality with 5000 € to provide water connection in Cartierul Nou neighbourhood where 30+ Roma families live. Procurement and proper installation of 200 m pipes expanded the water network to houses which improved the living conditions of the inhabitants drastically.

Access to Water - Podu Iloaiei Municipality
ROMACT supported the municipality with 5000 € for the extension of water connection to Zorilor neighbourhood. Procurement and proper installation of 300 m pipes enabled access to clean drinking water supply in the area and improved the living conditions of around 200 inhabitants drastically.

Timeline Points

24 Feb 2021
Step 1- Becoming committed- Signature of the letter of commitment
31 Jan 2023
Step 3 - Translating priorities into measures- Adoption of the Joint Action Plan by City Council
31 Jan 2023
End of ROMACT Process
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