
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Ec. Gheorghita Curca
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Maria Buhaneanu, PR responsible, Harlau City Hall
Corina Mihaila
Total population: 
10 905
Census 2011
Roma living in the Municipality: 
Description of the Municipality: 

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Last update: 12/01/2017
Harlau city is part of Iasi County since 1968. Situated in the north-eastern Romania - Moldavia and in northwest of Iasi county, on the shores of Bahlui River, in Harlau leave, officially, 684 Roma people (5,77%), from four Roma subgroups: Caldarari, Lingurari, Ursari and Laesi.
The primary source of income for Roma population is represented by receiving social aid, 80% of them being the beneficiaries of the 416/2001 Law. Their incomes are supplemented from other revenue generating activities.
School abandonment rate is quite high among the school-age children but also for the adult population (due to the early marriages, their traditionalism and the fear of assimilation with the Romanian culture).

The ROMACT Process

ROMACT process started on November 2016 in Harlau. The Joint Action Plan was adopted under the ROMACT Programme on May 24th 2017 and the Local Development Strategy was updated.
The Community Action Group (CAG) identified its short/medium/long-term needs:

Short and mid-term prioritiesObjective 1Objective 2Objective 3
EducationProviding educational support for children in pre-school educationOrganizing awareness campaigns on the importance of educationOrganizing intercultural courses for teachers
HealthImplementing programs to develop lifelong learning and in particular, the development of physical and mental health, sexual and reproductive educationImproving access to social-medical servicesOrganizing awareness campaigns regarding the importance of health insurances
Long-term prioritiesObjective 1Objective 2Objective 3
InfrastructureAsphalting the streets in the communityProvide identity and property documentsConnecting homes to drinking water and electricity
HousingBuild children playgrounds in the communityRehabilitate some houses in the communityConstruction / Establishment of social housing
EmploymentProvide training courses of different domainsIdentify job opportunities
EducationReducing / eliminating school dropout, especially in the nomads communityOrganizing School after school and Second chance programsSupport the creation of training programs for parents

With ROMACT expertise, the city hall applied for European funding and received help to implement projects related to reducing the number of marginalized communities at risk of poverty and social exclusion through integrated measures.
Several trainings were also provided: information regarding government funding, training on community development and civic participation, coaching to develop projects etc.

Trainings provided for the local administration:
Support (coaching) to develop applications for structural funds.
Cycle management and capacitate a team to submit a project within POCU 4.1 axis.

Activities involving the community action group:
Training community development and civic participation
Training on active citizenship
Educational campaign School for All
Organizing community events/campaigns - Charitable Donations

Expertise provided to the local administrationBeneficiaries BudgetStatus
Expertise on Human Capacity Operational Program Axis 4.1 Reducing the number of marginalized communities (in which Roma minority population counts at least 10% of the total population) at risk of poverty and social exclusion by implementing integrated measures.The local administration3.152.796 EURRejected

Timeline Points

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