
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Nicolae Badanoiu
Polliana Catalin
Total population: 
10 107
Municipal records
Roma living in the Municipality: 
1 000
Description of the Municipality: 

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Videle is a town in Teleorman County, 50 km away from Bucharest. It administrates the town of Videle and the village of Coșoaia. 

Several Roma groups are living in Videle including Caldarari (Corbeni), Lautari (Laiasi), Tuciari and Ursari. They are mostly located in Sere, in which about 90 houses are built illegally. 
Similarily to other municipalities, Roma are faced with a high school drop out rate and an important migration wave towards western European countries, temporarily or permanently. 


The ROMACT Process

ROMACT Process started in April 2023 with the signature of the Letter of Agreement.

The Municipality benefited of ROMACT expertise for the following projects :
The expertise provided by ROMACT for municipalities involves training and guidance on preparing project proposals and implementing inclusive policies aimed at improving the living conditions and social integration of vulnerable populations, including the Roma.

School 1- School for a better future - Funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Budget : 299 000€
Status : approved

School 2 EDUNEXT - Education for future generation - Funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Budget : 298 000€
Status : approved

Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :

Local Authorities (LA):
Developing a joint action plan

Timeline Points

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