
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Kalin Kamenov
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Petya Dolapchieva - deputy mayor
Alexandra Raykova
Total population: 
75 368
National census 2011
Roma living in the Municipality: 
2 215
Description of the Municipality: 

Vratsa is the largest city in northwestern Bulgaria. Administrative and economic center of the municipality of Vratsa and Vratsa Province.  The municipality includes 23 settlements - 1 town and 22 villages.

According to unofficial estimates, about 4 500 Roma live in the municipality. The major part of them live in Vratsa town itself while the rest is located in the villages of Nefela, Tri Kladentsi , Banitsa , Varbitsa and Tishevitsa. 

The ROMACT Process

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ROMACT started in March 2020 with the signature of the Letter of agreement.

The Taskforce for Roma inclusion was created following Mayor's approval in October 2020. 

In March 2021, the Municipality Inclusion Development Plan was adopted and included half of the community proposals.

The Municipality benefited from ROMACT expertise to apply for the following projects :
The expertise provided by ROMACT for municipalities involves training and guidance on preparing project proposals and implementing inclusive policies aimed at improving the living conditions and social integration of vulnerable populations, including the Roma.

* "I'm Changing the World", implement the reflexive approach for intercultural dialogue - Competition procedure 33.22-2023.
Budget : 13 252€
Status : approved

Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :

Community Action Groups (CAG):
* Role and functions of local authorities and advocacy;
Role and meaning of NGOs for active civil society. Work for public benefit;
* Legal support for potential solutions for community members without ID;
Community Survey;
Understand and Participate in CLLD strategies;
Participation within municipal budgeting process;
Forms of advocacy, Role and functions of LA.

Local Authorities (LA):
* National programs 2021 - 2027 funded by the EU structural and cohesion funds in support of municipal policies for social inclusion;
* Partnership management for planning and implementation of municipal policies for social inclusion;
Including priorities and measures for Roma communities in the Integrated stratedies for territorial development;
Participation in a public consultation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Bulgaria;
Development of a Plan for integrated develoment of municipality - PIRO;
Social and Emotional Development and Language Culture through Lego Education (training for teachers);
Possible solutions for people without ID cards.

LA and CAG : 
Grant procedure for financial assistance through the selection of project proposals BG05M2OP001-3.019 "SUPPORT FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS FOR ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION”;
Development and implementation of partnerships for prevention and intervention of drugs use in Roma communities;
ROMACT approach for local facilitators;
Increasing the sensitivity to hate speech and prejudice against the Roma in the planning and implementation of inclusive policies;

Taskforce :
Partnership management for planning and implementation of municipal policies for social inclusion

ROMACT Small Grants Scheme :
ROMACT offers small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable and to multiply the good practices across ROMACT municipalities.
Under the scheme of small grants, the following projects were supported by ROMACT between May 2020 - April 2022:
Initiative to counter COVID19 pandemic – Municipality of Vratsa
ROMACT supported the municipality with 2549 €, reaching 1500 people from Roma community. The project covered information campaign on COVID19 and provided masks, disinfectant products to assist disadvantageous groups and raise awareness in the community. Commonly used areas of the neighbourhood were disinfected with special cleaning equipment to provide hygiene against pandemic.
Support for marginalized groups – Municipality of Vratsa
ROMACT supported the municipality 4580 €, reaching 3000 people from Roma community. The project covered protective hygiene materials, street disinfection and technical assistance in issuing official personal documents (ID cards) for 100 disadvantaged citizens in Roma community. The technical assistance included information campaign to raise awareness on the importance of personal documents, filling out forms, procedure follow-up and paying the state fees for standard services. These activities contributed to overcoming social disparities through enabling equal access to health, social and public services with ID cards.

Success with education, health and culture – Association of Included in Action
ROMACT supported the municipality with 4518 €, reaching 35 secondary school students from the village of Banitsa in Vratsa. The project covered several activities and training sessions designed for students and families from vulnerable communities in topics of education, personal development and health. Around 35 Roma children were informed about opportunities to continue their education in the town of Vratsa. Their families also actively participated in meetings where they learned about the importance of education and parental care for children. Both students and their families attended meetings to learn about the importance of healthy diet necessary for the development of children.

Timeline Points

23 Mar 2020
Step 1- Becoming Committed- Signature of the letter of agreement
12 Oct 2020
Creation of Taskforce
30 Mar 2021
Municipality Inclusion Development Plan is adopted by the Local Council
31 Dec 2021
End of ROMACT Process
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