
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Dimitar Bratchkov
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Iliyana Popova, Minka Salagiorova
Zdravko Andonov
Total population: 
51 723
National census 2011
Roma living in the Municipality: 
4 800
Description of the Municipality: 

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Petrich is located in southwestern Bulgaria in the province of Blagoevgrad. According to the municipal data, the largest ethnic group of the municipality is Bulgarian and 7,20% of the total population is Roma. According to municipality estimates, there are 4800 Roma in the municipality and they are located in the town of Petrich, Old Roma neighborhood (1 003 ),  New Roma neighborhood (3 162) , and in the villages of Kavrakirovo (450), Kolaravo (150) and Yavornitsa (130). 

Some of the main issues in Petrich are:
  - risk of poverty
  - low intensity of economic activity
  - material deprivation

The ROMACT Process

ROMACT Process started in April 2021 with the signature of the Letter of Agreement. 

The Taskforce for Roma inclusion was created following Mayor's approval in April 2022.

The Municipality benefited from ROMACT expertise to apply for the following project :

The expertise provided by ROMACT for municipalities involves training and guidance on preparing project proposals and implementing inclusive policies aimed at improving the living conditions and social integration of vulnerable populations, including the Roma.

“The school is a home for everyone”- Funded by COIDUEM - Competition procedure for project proposals 33.21 - 2022.
Budget : 16 393 €
Status : approved

"A theatre for all", strengthen creativity and motivation to acquire new knowledge and skills among young people of Roma origin - Funded by the National Fund CULTURE.
Budget : 7 672€
Status : rejected

Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :

Community Action Groups (CAG):
Information on financial grants through the selection of project proposals on "support for vulnerable groups for access to higher education”;
Information on "Erasmus+  Program - KA1 Learning Mobility for Individuals; KA2 Cooperation between Organizations and Institutions”;
Advocacy with Local Authorities for addressing social exclusion and marginalization;
Achieving the Community Action Group sustainability through establishing and developing a civil society organisation;
NGO registration.

Local Authorities (LA):
Consultation on the preparation of the Municipal Action Plan on Roma Integratio;
* Analysing the Municipal Plans for Roma Integration;
Information on financial grants through the selection of project proposals on "support for vulnerable groups for access to higher education”;
Information on "Erasmus+  Program - KA1 Learning Mobility for Individuals; KA2 Cooperation between Organizations and Institutions”;
Advocacy with Local Authorities for addressing social exclusion and marginalization;
Teamwork for more effective implementation of the Municipal Plans for Inclusion, Equality and Participation of Roma.

LA and CAG : 
Grant procedure for financial assistance through the selection of project proposals BG05M2OP001-3.019 "SUPPORT FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS FOR ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION”;
Presentation of Erasmus+ Program - KA1 Learning Mobility for Individuals; KA2 Cooperation between Organizations and Institutions;
ROMACT approach for local facilitators;
Consultations with LA and CAG on the establishment of neighbourhood councils

Timeline Points

24 Apr 2021
Step 1- Becoming Committed- Signature of the letter of agreement
21 Apr 2022
Creation of the Municipal Taskforce for Roma Inclusion
31 Mar 2023
End of ROMACT Process
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