
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Petar Petrov
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Todorina Todorova - Senior Specialist "Education and Culture"
Kadrin Hasanov
Total population: 
5 923
National census 2011
Roma living in the Municipality: 
Description of the Municipality: 

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Tsenovo Municipality is located in Northeastern Bulgaria in Ruse Province. Tsenovo Municipality includes 9 settlements - Tsenovo, Beltsov, Belyanovo, Dzhulyunitsa, Dolna Studena, Karamanovo, Krivina, Nov grad and Piperkovo. Tsenovo is the administrative center of the municipality.

According to official data, the Roma population makes up 4% of the total population in the municipality. Unofficial data provided by the municipality are closer from 10%.  Roma live in separate neighborhoods and are concentrated in three settlements: Tsenovo, where people belong to the Millet group, and self-identify as Turks, Dolna Studena and Karamanovo.

In recent years there has been active migration to major cities in the country and abroad.
Some of the main issues Roma are faced with are:  
- poor infrastructure;
- high migration rate to western European countries;
- High unemployment rate;
- Important rate of  of the population without health insurance;
- Early marriages.

The ROMACT Process

ROMACT started in April 2020 with the signature of the Letter of agreement.

The Taskforce for Roma inclusion was created following Mayor's approval in September 2020. 

In May 2021, the Municipality Inclusion Development Plan was adopted and included half of the community proposals.

As of July 2022, ROMACT process is reinforced in Tsenovo and a new agreement was signed by the Mayor. 

The Municipality benefited of ROMACT expertise for the following project :
The expertise provided by ROMACT for municipalities involves training and guidance on preparing project proposals and implementing inclusive policies aimed at improving the living conditions and social integration of vulnerable populations, including the Roma.

"Hot lunch in the context of a Covid-19 pandemic in Tsenovo municipality" - OP 1- BG05FMOP001-5.001  "3.1 - Hot lunch in the context of a Covid-19 pandemic".
Budget : 9 290€
Status : approved

 "Maternal care for the strengthening and development of mother centers" (KA122-ADU-8D11BFD8) - Funded by the HRD Program 21-27.
Budget : 23 610€
Status : approved

Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :

Community Action Groups (CAG):
Development and implementation of partnerships for prevention and intervention of drugs use in Roma communities;
* Raising professional skills of Roma mediators;
Participation of CAG members in the municipal budget process;
* Raising professional skills of Roma mediators;
Community Survey;

Local Authorities (LA):
* Development and implementation of partnerships for prevention and intervention of drugs use in Roma communities;
* National programs 2021 - 2027 funded by the EU structural and cohesion funds in support of municipal policies for social inclusion;
Intercultural training;
* Opportunities under the new Erasmus+ Program (2021-2027) in the School Education sector;
* Participation in a public consultation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Bulgaria;
* Development of a Plan for integrated develoment of municipality - PIRO;
Social and Emotional Development and Language Culture through Lego Education (training for teachers);

Taskforce :
National programs 2021 - 2027 funded by the EU structural and cohesion funds in support of municipal policies for social inclusion

ROMACT Small Grants Scheme :
ROMACT offers small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable and to multiply the good practices across ROMACT municipalities.
Under the scheme of small grants, the following projects were supported by ROMACT in Tsenovo during May 2020 – January 2021:

Support for students from vulnerable communities – Municipality of Tsenovo
ROMACT supported the municipality with 4874 €, reaching 30 students including their families to address the basic needs of students in order to reduce school dropouts during the pandemic. The project increased the school attendance with higher level of self-esteem in a proper sanitary environment through the procurement of school supplies, hygiene products, proper clothing for each student. Breakfast was also offered to students for three consecutive months to support students with proper nutrition and to encourage school attendance with discipline.

Online education for Roma children – Municipality of Tsenovo
ROMACT supported the municipality with 2505 €, reaching 28 students with dire financial situation from Roma neighbourhoods in Dolna Studena, Karamanovo and Tsenovo villages. The project provided the students with tablet PCs and internet services to ensure Roma children has access to online education portals during the pandemic. The provision of tablets played a key factor in assisting students to continue with their education.

Timeline Points

1 Apr 2020
Step 1- Becoming Committed- Signature of the letter of agreement
28 Sep 2020
Creation of Taskforce
26 May 2021
Municipality Inclusion Development Plan is adopted by the Local Council
31 Dec 2021
End of ROMACT Process
21 Jul 2022
Start of ROMACT reinforced process with the signature of a new letter of agreement
31 Mar 2023
End of ROMACT reinforced process
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