Veliki Preslav

General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Yanko Yordanov
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Darina Mineva - Specialist "Culture and Public Relations",
Kamen Makaveev
Total population: 
15 432
Administration of Veliki Preslav municipality
Roma living in the Municipality: 
2 500
Description of the Municipality: 

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Veliki Preslav is part of Shumen Province, in the northeastern part of Bulgaria. Veliki Preslav used to be the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire from 893 to 972 and one of the most important cities of medieval Southeastern Europe.
It comprises of 12 settlements – Veliki Preslav, Dragoevo, Zlatar, Imrenchevo, Kochovo, Milanovo, Mokresh, Mostich, Osmar, Suha reka, Troitsa, Khan Krum and Veliki Preslav, its administrative centre. 

The Roma population consists 7 % of the entire population in the municipality, according to the official data (unofficial: 20%). There are 4 Roma communities in the municipality: in the town of Veliki Preslav, in the villages of Kochovo, Imrenchevo and Zlatar .

One of municipal councilors out of totally 17 people is Roma.

Some of the main issuesRoma are faced with are: 
- A huge number of people do not have health insurance;
- Poor road infrastructure in the villages;
- Illegal dumps;
- Lack of street lighting;
- Lack of playgrounds and sports grounds.


The ROMACT Process

Veliki Preslav joined ROMACT programme in November 2018 with the Letter of Agreement.

The Taskforce for Roma Inclusion was created in March 2020. 

In September 2020, the NGO " CAG Veliki Preslav" was created.  

Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :

Community Action Groups (CAG):
* Role and functions of an NGO;
Participation in the local budget process.

Local Authorities (LA):
 Participation in a public consultation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Bulgaria;
Role and tasks of the ROMACT municipal coordinator. Necessity of addressing marginalisation.

LA and CAG : 
Addressing drug delivery and use in the Roma neighbourhoods.

ROMACT Small Grants Scheme :
ROMACT offers small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable and to multiply the good practices across ROMACT municipalities.
Under the scheme of small grants, the following projects were supported by ROMACT between April 2020 - March 2021:
Initiative to counter COVID19 pandemic – Municipality of Veliki Preslav
ROMACT supported the municipality with 2295 € reaching 50+ families in Roma community. The project covered information campaign on COVID19 and provided masks, disinfectant products, informative flyers to raise awareness in the community. Food supplies were also provided for families with dire financial situation.
Together we find solutions for a better environment – Municipality of Veliki Preslav
ROMACT supported the municipality with 5743 € to rehabilitate the infrastructure of 7 damaged streets in the Roma neighbourhoods of Veliki Preslav and in the villages of Zlatar and Imrenchevo. The project improved the infrastructure and the streets of the neighbourhoods through repairing the water supply, sewerage system and asphalting the roads. Local community of around 300 households were very satisfied with the improved living conditions of their streets.

Timeline Points

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