

Cleaning campaign in Bratsigovo
2017, 31 October
Bratsigovo municipality has recently joined the ROMACT program  and signed an agreement to implement the Program... more
2017, 11 September
Since October 2013 until July 2017, ROMACT has been implemented in 123 municipalities, generating over 25 000000... more
2017, 15 June
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is... more



According to estimates of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, approximately 784,041 Romani people revised in Bulgaria in 2020 representing 11.7% of the Bulgarian population. National Institute of Statistics mentions in a 2021 report that 58.8% of the Roma ethnic group (self-declared) are at risk of poverty.  
In Bulgaria, ROMACT implementation started in the beginning of  2014.

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