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Building bridge(s) in Blaj, Romania

2 years after the end of ROMACT process in Blaj, we are still getting news about improvements and about the good use of investments made based on the plans and projects developed with the inputs and support of our Programme. Among the measures implemented from Blaj Municipal Action Plan for Roma Inclusion, the most symbolic one is the renovation of the bridge over Târnava river, connecting the Roma community settlement with the rest of the city.

Toolkit on Possible solutions for informal settlements

The toolkit is a working tool for local authorities to identify appropriate solutions for informal settlements, with the support of the directly concerned marginalised communities.

Call for proposals for purchasing evaluation services for the joint EC/CoE ROMACT Programme

The Council of Europe is currently implementing the ROMACT Programme until 31 May 2021. In that context, it is looking for a Provider for the provision of evaluation services of the ROMACT Programme. (See Section A of the Act of Engagement and Appendix I of this tender file).

This evaluation concerns the ROMACT Programme, with focus on the implementation aspects of its methodological process and interventions for capacity building at local level. ROMACT is a joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission with the main aim to promote the social inclusion of marginalized Roma communities at local level.

ROMACT small grants scheme during COVID19 pandemic

During this period, ROMACT is adapting its small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and of the Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable. The 46 small projects under ROMACT small grants are expected to reach around 30,000 people with supplies and more than 50,000 people with concrete information on how to cope better and stay safe during this time of unprecedented crisis.

Soluțiile localităților partenere ROMACT de a limita impactul crizei generate de COVID19 asupra comunităților de romi

De cele mai multe ori percepute de către cetățeni ca având cel mai mare impact asupra condițiilor lor de viață, autoritățile locale sunt în prima linie de luptă împotriva pandemiei generate de COVID19. În vreme ce o parte dintre localitățile partenere ROMACT au luat deja măsuri pentru limitarea impactului infecției asupra cetățenilor, Programul ROMACT se pregătește și el pentru a sprijini eforturile autorităților locale și a Grupurilor de Acțiune Comunitară de a răspunde nevoilor celor mai vulnerabili.
Bune practici la nivel local

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

Call for proposals - grants for ROMACT "support organisations" in Bulgaria and Romania - Deadline for applications 31 January 2020

This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe Project ROMACT. It aims to co-fund national projects aimed at assisting National Support Teams with the implementation of the ROMACT methodology in Bulgaria and Romania, with the ultimate aim of building up political will and understanding of Roma inclusion at local level.

Roma Civil Society Monitoring Report 2019: two Romanian ROMACT municipalities presented as positive examples

The report on Romania contains a set of recommendations as well as three case studies demonstrating the positive impact of given projects to support the implementation of the Roma Strategy at local level. It comprises presentations of ROMACT impact in Tarnaveni and Marasesti.

The ROMACT Guide on Social Housing Allocation Criteria for Romania is now available

The ROMACT guide on social housing allocation criteria is based on the continuous needs assessment in ROMACT municipalities and comes in support  to the Romanian local authorities to better understand the social housing allocation methodology and promote the prevention of discriminatory policies in access to housing.


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