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ROMACT event during European Week of Regions and Cities- 11 October 2018

 Bulgarian and Romanian Mayors and experts explained how they overcame these barriers with the support of the ROMACT programme. 

ROMACT TCC- Call for proposals for grants for the organisation of working visits - Deadline 15 July 2018

The Transnational Cooperation and Capacity Building component of the ROMACT programme (ROMACT TCC) aims at assisting local authorities in better integrating marginalised people, in particular non-nationals of Roma ethnicity.

Call for tenders for consultants in Bulgaria and Romania - Deadline: 15 March 2018

Consultants will support the implementation of ROMACT Programme by providing consultancy services on various topics.

Call for tenders for ROMACT National Facilitators’ Coordinators in Bulgaria and Romania - Deadline- 27 February 2018

The National Facilitators’ Coordinator will undertake an organizational and coordination function, will act as a conduit between facilitators and ensure effective implementation of activities by facilitators.

Call for tenders for ROMACT National Project Officers in Bulgaria and Romania - Deadline- 27 February 2018

The National Project Officer will undertake a coordination function , act as a conduit between national, regional and local authorities, National Facilitators’ Coordinator, Facilitators and Roma communities and will work to ensure effective cooperation between these different stakeholders.

ROMACT achievements in a Snapshot

Since October 2013 until July 2017, ROMACT has been implemented in 123 municipalities, generating over 25 000000 € through inclusive projects for approx. 65 000 beneficiaries, with an average investment of 25 000 € per municipality per year.

Municipalities in Romania are benefiting from the Human Capital 2014-2020 Grants Programme

Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.

Expert Training in Public Procurement held in Buzau, Romania

“I really learned things that I can apply, and while this was a challenging course, the trainer was able to answer all of our questions well.”


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