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ROMACT event during European Week of Regions and Cities- 11 October 2018

 Bulgarian and Romanian Mayors and experts explained how they overcame these barriers with the support of the ROMACT programme. 

ROMACT TCC- Call for proposals for grants for the organisation of working visits - Deadline 15 July 2018

The Transnational Cooperation and Capacity Building component of the ROMACT programme (ROMACT TCC) aims at assisting local authorities in better integrating marginalised people, in particular non-nationals of Roma ethnicity.

Call for tenders for consultants in Bulgaria and Romania - Deadline: 15 March 2018

Consultants will support the implementation of ROMACT Programme by providing consultancy services on various topics.

Call for tenders for ROMACT National Facilitators’ Coordinators in Bulgaria and Romania - Deadline- 27 February 2018

The National Facilitators’ Coordinator will undertake an organizational and coordination function, will act as a conduit between facilitators and ensure effective implementation of activities by facilitators.

Call for tenders for ROMACT National Project Officers in Bulgaria and Romania - Deadline- 27 February 2018

The National Project Officer will undertake a coordination function , act as a conduit between national, regional and local authorities, National Facilitators’ Coordinator, Facilitators and Roma communities and will work to ensure effective cooperation between these different stakeholders.

ROMACT achievements in a Snapshot

Since October 2013 until July 2017, ROMACT has been implemented in 123 municipalities, generating over 25 000000 € through inclusive projects for approx. 65 000 beneficiaries, with an average investment of 25 000 € per municipality per year.

Municipalities in Romania are benefiting from the Human Capital 2014-2020 Grants Programme

Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.


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