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Call for Expression of Interest - ROMACT Experts - deadline 11 December 2015

The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of experts in local governance and access to EU funding to work within the National Support Teams of the ROMACT Programme.

Call for Expression of Interest - ROMACT Experts - deadline 28 August 2015

The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of experts in local governance and access to EU funding to work within the National Support Teams of the ROMACT Programme in Bulgaria and Romania.

Call for Expression of Interest - ROMACT Facilitators - deadline 28 August 2015

The Council of Europe is recruiting Facilitators to work with public administration services in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme.

The ROMACT programme helps Roma from the village of Valea Seaca in Romania to get ID documents

In Valea Seaca, the Roma are facing constant administrative difficulties resulting in a lack of identity documents, which essentially means that they do not “exist” administratively. 

The next MFF in Romania, 2014-2020

In August 2014, the European Commission  published the Summary of the Partnership Agreement with each EU member state as well as a fact-sheet concerning the Cohesion Policy for the next MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework 2014 - 2020).

Training on Project management for CAG members and local municipality staff, Eforie, Romania, 7-9 July

During three days, from 7 to 9 July 2014, the Romanian National Support Team organised a training within the ROMED2 and ROMACT Programmes which answered the specific needs identified among the municipalities selected.

Launching and first national workshop of ROMACT and ROMED2 in Romania

The launch event was attended by Romanian and European officials the complete list of which can be found in the agenda of the event, and among which Mr Daniel Vasile, President of National Agency for Roma, and Mr Florin Manole, President of Local Elected Roma Association. 

Lancement et premier atelier national ROMED2 et ROMACT en Roumanie

Le 15 Octobre dernier les programmes ROMED2 et ROMACT ont été lancés à Bucarest. Ayant la plus grand population rom d'Europe, l'implémentation des programmes en Roumanie sera étendue de la moyenne de 5 à 6 municipalités dans d'autres pays participants (Bulgarie, Hongrie, Italie et Slovaquie) à 10 municipalités de différentes tailles dont Bucarest (6ème secteur), Botosani, Cluj et Calarasi.


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