Czech Republic

Post date: 2017, 20 January
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for National Facilitators in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy and Slovak Republic. The Facilitator will undertake a facilitating function in relation to the implementation of the project activities at municipal level in his/her respective country. In particular, he/she will act as a conduit between Roma communities on one hand, and the Municipal...
Post date: 2017, 11 September
Since October 2013 until July 2017, ROMACT has been implemented in 123 municipalities, generating over 25 000000 € through inclusive projects for approx. 65 000 beneficiaries, with an average investment of 25 000 € per municipality per year. If you want to know more about these achievements, you can visit our dedicated page.
Post date: 2016, 20 December
In the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for National Facilitators’ Coordinators in Bulgaria (2), Czech Republic (1), Hungary (1), Italy (1) and Romania (2). The National Facilitators’ Coordinator will undertake an organizational and coordination function in relation to the implementation of the ROMACT project activities at local level and will act as a conduit between facilitators...
Post date: 2016, 15 December
In the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for National Project Officers in Bulgaria (1), Czech Republic (1), Hungary(1), Italy (1), Romania (2) and the Slovak Republic (1). The National Project Officer will undertake a coordination function in relation to the implementation of the ROMACT project and will act as a conduit between national, regional and local authorities on one hand, and the...
Post date: 2016, 26 October
In the premises of the Council of Europe (CoE) office in Brussels, Valeriu Nicolae, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the CoE (SRSG) for Roma issues talked about ROMACT and ROMED as successful long-term programmes that bring about concrete results at local level: “We have more and more local administrations that want to work with us and develop plans for social inclusion of Roma, which is very much in line with the Framework Strategies for Roma inclusion.” real...
Post date: 2016, 14 September
Translation of Commissioner Věra Jourová speech, for the ROMACT Programme launch event in Czech Republic on  September 9th 2016 (VIDEO CZ ONLY)   Ladies and Gentlemen, Unfortunately I cannot be today with you at the launch of the ROMACT programme in the Czech Republic. Allow me to send my regards through this video. As you know the topic of Roma integration belongs to my agenda as Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. The European Commission has built a...
Post date: 2016, 9 September
In the framework of the joint EU/CoE ROMACT Programme a Launch Event took place in Prague, Czech Republic on 9 September 2016. The launching event was organized jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Commission in cooperation with the National Support Team of the ROMACT Programme in the Czech Republic. The objective of the launch event was to explain how the ROMACT programme helps building the capacity of local authorities to develop and implement policies and public services that...
Team meeting before starting the work.
Post date: 2016, 2 September
The ROMACT programme began in Budišov nad Budišovkou, Czech Republic started in February 2016.  The ROMACT programme is taking a step by step approach to establish the foundations for constructive and in-depth cooperation between Local Authorities and Roma communities.   In response to the expressed need to improve living conditions of Roma and non-Roma which was put forward by the Roma community through the recently established Community Action group (CAG), the...
Post date: 2016, 19 January
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of Facilitators to work with public administration services and the Roma communities in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme in the Czech Republic. ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support to local administration to implement inclusive good governance practices and sustainable...
Post date: 2015, 9 November
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of Facilitators to work with public administration services in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme - political will and understanding of Roma inclusion at local and regional level in the following Member States: BULGARIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, HUNGARY, ITALY, ROMANIA and SLOVAK REPUBLIC. ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment...


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