
Post date: 2015, 9 November
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of Facilitators to work with public administration services in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme - political will and understanding of Roma inclusion at local and regional level in the following Member States: BULGARIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, HUNGARY, ITALY, ROMANIA and SLOVAK REPUBLIC. ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment...
Post date: 2015, 9 November
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of experts in local governance and access to EU funding to work within the National Support Teams of the ROMACT Programme in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovak Republic. ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support to local administration to implement inclusive good...
Post date: 2015, 18 August
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of experts in local governance and access to EU funding to work within the National Support Teams of the ROMACT Programme in Bulgaria and Romania. ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support to local administration to implement inclusive good governance practices and sustainable plans of...
Post date: 2015, 14 August
The Council of Europe is recruiting Facilitators to work with public administration services in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme - political will and understanding of Roma inclusion at local and regional level in the following Member States: BULGARIA, CZECH REPUBLIC AND ROMANIA. ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support...
Post date: 2015, 12 June
There are 20 Roma living in Valea Seaca, a community of about 3,000 inhabitants in Eastern Romania.  As most in this community were not registered at birth, the Roma here are facing constant administrative difficulties resulting in a lack of identity documents, which essentially means that they do not “exist” administratively.    Ionela Ciobanu, for example, is a Roma woman who has lived for over 30 years without an ID card. As a direct consequence of her lack of...
Post date: 2014, 18 August
The European Commission recently published the Summary of the Partnership Agreement with each EU member state as well as a fact-sheet concerning the Cohesion Policy for the next MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework 2014 - 2020). In 2014-2020, Romania will manage six operational programmesunder EU Cohesion Policy: four programmes funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund, and two programmes funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) including the...
Post date: 2014, 11 July
During three days, from 7 to 9 July 2014, the Romanian National Support Team organised a training within the ROMED2 and ROMACT Programmes which answered the specific needs identified among the municipalities selected.   Within each municipality two Community Action Group (CAG) members and two local authorities staff members attended the training, which gave the basics to writing projects and looking for alternative funds to the municipality budget. Besides the training itself, the aim...
Post date: 2013, 23 October
On 15 October 2013 in Bucharest, the ROMACT and ROMED2 programmes were launched in Romania. Having the largest Roma population in Europe, the implementation of the programmes in Romania will be extended from the average 5 to 6 municipalities in other participating countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy and Slovakia) to 10 municipalities of various sizes among which Bucharest (6th sector), Botosani and Calarasi. The launch event was attended by Romanian and European officials the complete list...
Post date: 2013, 22 October
Le 15 Octobre dernier les programmes ROMED2 et ROMACT ont été lancés à Bucarest. Ayant la plus grand population rom d'Europe, l'implémentation des programmes en Roumanie sera étendue de la moyenne de 5 à 6 municipalités dans d'autres pays participants (Bulgarie, Hongrie, Italie et Slovaquie) à 10 municipalités de différentes tailles dont Bucarest (6ème secteur), Botosani, Cluj et Calarasi. L'...


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