Articles country

Community Action Group mobilises Roma community for cleaning action in Turda, Romania

Rubber gloves, boots, shovels, and other necessary materials were provided by the ROMACT Romania National Support Team while the municipality of Turda provided logistical support, providing collection and disposal of the garbage gathered during the day.

Community Action Group mobilises Roma community for cleaning action in Turda, Romania

Rubber gloves, boots, shovels, and other necessary materials were provided by the ROMACT Romania National Support Team while the municipality of Turda provided logistical support, providing collection and disposal of the garbage gathered during the day.

Community Action Group in Alesd, Romania, starts "A home for Simona" campaign

The idea was initated by the Community Action Group (CAG) in Alesd and put into practice with the support of the ROMACT Romania National Support Team.

Community Action Group in Alesd, Romania, starts "A home for Simona" campaign

The idea was initated by the Community Action Group (CAG) in Alesd and put into practice with the support of the ROMACT Romania National Support Team.

Community Action Group in Alesd, Romania, starts "A home for Simona" campaign

The idea was initated by the Community Action Group (CAG) in Alesd and put into practice with the support of the ROMACT Romania National Support Team.

Community Action Group in Alesd, Romania, starts "A home for Simona" campaign

The idea was initated by the Community Action Group (CAG) in Alesd and put into practice with the support of the ROMACT Romania National Support Team.

Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the PACE encourages municipalities to use ROMACT approach

“It is time to move beyond stereotypes and to recognise Roma and Travellers as actors in their own future” states the report on the promotion of the inclusion of Roma and Travellers.

Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the PACE encourages municipalities to use ROMACT approach

“It is time to move beyond stereotypes and to recognise Roma and Travellers as actors in their own future” states the report on the promotion of the inclusion of Roma and Travellers.

Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the PACE encourages municipalities to use ROMACT approach

“It is time to move beyond stereotypes and to recognise Roma and Travellers as actors in their own future” states the report on the promotion of the inclusion of Roma and Travellers.

Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the PACE encourages municipalities to use ROMACT approach

“It is time to move beyond stereotypes and to recognise Roma and Travellers as actors in their own future” states the report on the promotion of the inclusion of Roma and Travellers.


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