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The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

The ROMACT Handbook - Available for download!

The ROMACT Handbook is a manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and Roma wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged Roma.

Romania – school transport fees for children to be covered by the government

The Romanian Government has recently approved a new measure meant to encourage children to stay in school, in particular children coming from the most disadvantaged families.


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