Post date: 2015, 9 November
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of Facilitators to work with public administration services in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme - political will and understanding of Roma inclusion at local and regional level in the following Member States: BULGARIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, HUNGARY, ITALY, ROMANIA and SLOVAK REPUBLIC.
ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment...
Post date: 2015, 9 November
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of experts in local governance and access to EU funding to work within the National Support Teams of the ROMACT Programme in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovak Republic.
ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support to local administration to implement inclusive good...
Post date: 2015, 18 August
The Council of Europe is establishing a pool of experts in local governance and access to EU funding to work within the National Support Teams of the ROMACT Programme in Bulgaria and Romania.
ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support to local administration to implement inclusive good governance practices and sustainable plans of...
Post date: 2015, 14 August
The Council of Europe is recruiting Facilitators to work with public administration services in the municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme - political will and understanding of Roma inclusion at local and regional level in the following Member States: BULGARIA, CZECH REPUBLIC AND ROMANIA.
ROMACT promotes the cooperation between the Roma communities and the public authorities, through mutual working strategies, shared ownership and commitment to an open dialogue. ROMACT provides support...
Post date: 2015, 6 May
Between 4 and 5 May, a Turkish delegation comprising representatives from the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and of two NGOs working in the field of Roma rights, Sıfır Ayrımcılık Derneği (Zero Discrimination Association( and Sosyal Değişim Derneği (Association for Social Change) visited a number of locations of ROMED2/ROMACT in Bulgaria in order to get acquainted with the different models of Roma social inclusion interventions.
The ROMED2/ROMACT National Support Team members in...
Post date: 2015, 15 January
Report by Liliya Makaveeva, ROMED/ROMACT National Project Officer for Bulgaria
On 15 January 2015, the Working Group consisting of 13 employees from the administration of the Municipality of Shumen under the leadership of Deputy Mayor Zhivka Toneva and the Community Action Group established within the framework ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes finalized successfully the joint elaboration of the Municipal Action Plan for the Integration of Bulgarian citizens of Roma origin and...
Post date: 2014, 19 August
The European Commission recently published the Summary of the Partnership Agreement with each EU member state as well as a fact-sheet concerning the Cohesion Policy for the next MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework 2014 - 2020).
In 2014-2020, Bulgaria will manage seven operational programmesunder EU Cohesion Policy. Of these, four programmes will be funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund, two programmes will receive funding from the...
Post date: 2014, 12 May
via the Bulgarian National Support Team
On the 28th of April in Byala Slatina a meeting took place between the Community Action Group (CAG) and the Mayor of the municipality – eng. Ivo Tzvetkov. During the meeting the problems of the Roma community identified by the CAG were presented, along with proposals for initiatives to solve these issues, the question of the participation of the Community Action Group in the newly established Municipal Council on Ethnic and Integration...
Post date: 2014, 26 February
Raport transmis par Orhan Tahir - Coordinateur national pour ROMED2 et ROMACT en Bulgarie.
Българска статия
Une formation nationale ROMED2/ROMACT a eu lieu à Sofia, Bulgarie entre le 11 et le 13 février 2014. La formation s'intitulait "Renforcement des capacités de mise en oeuvre des approches et méthodes de travail des médiateurs au niveau des communautés: la participation civile et l'autonomisation de la communauté". Un total...
Post date: 2014, 24 February
Article by Orhan Tahir – National Project Officer for ROMED2 and ROMACT in Bulgaria.
Българска статия
A national ROMED2/ROMACT training took place in Sofia, Bulgaria from 11 to 13 of February, 2014. The training was entitled “Capacity Building for Implementation of Approaches and Methods in the work of Mediators at Community Level: Civil Participation and Community Empowerment”. A total of 26 people took part in the event, including health and labor mediators, and members of...
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