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ROMACT process to start in Sheffield, United Kingdom

Sheffield City Council identified ROMACT structured approach to community development as a good practice to be implemented in the city neighborhoods and requested support to initiate the process.

ROMACT process to start in Sheffield, United Kingdom

Sheffield City Council identified ROMACT structured approach to community development as a good practice to be implemented in the city neighborhoods and requested support to initiate the process.

ROMACT process to start in Sheffield, United Kingdom

Sheffield City Council identified ROMACT structured approach to community development as a good practice to be implemented in the city neighborhoods and requested support to initiate the process.

ROMACT process to start in Sheffield, United Kingdom

Sheffield City Council identified ROMACT structured approach to community development as a good practice to be implemented in the city neighborhoods and requested support to initiate the process.

ROMACT mentioned in the European Commission statement on the occasion of International Roma Day

"The ROMACT programme, an initiative set up in 2013 together with the Council of Europe, also helps the Roma community by supporting local authorities in 115 municipalities by designing, funding and implementing policies and public services aimed at creating a more inclusive society for Roma. "

ROMACT mentioned in the European Commission statement on the occasion of International Roma Day

"The ROMACT programme, an initiative set up in 2013 together with the Council of Europe, also helps the Roma community by supporting local authorities in 115 municipalities by designing, funding and implementing policies and public services aimed at creating a more inclusive society for Roma. "

ROMACT mentioned in the European Commission statement on the occasion of International Roma Day

"The ROMACT programme, an initiative set up in 2013 together with the Council of Europe, also helps the Roma community by supporting local authorities in 115 municipalities by designing, funding and implementing policies and public services aimed at creating a more inclusive society for Roma. "

ROMACT mentioned in the European Commission statement on the occasion of International Roma Day

"The ROMACT programme, an initiative set up in 2013 together with the Council of Europe, also helps the Roma community by supporting local authorities in 115 municipalities by designing, funding and implementing policies and public services aimed at creating a more inclusive society for Roma. "

ROMACT mentioned in the European Commission statement on the occasion of International Roma Day

"The ROMACT programme, an initiative set up in 2013 together with the Council of Europe, also helps the Roma community by supporting local authorities in 115 municipalities by designing, funding and implementing policies and public services aimed at creating a more inclusive society for Roma. "

ROMACT mentioned in the European Commission statement on the occasion of International Roma Day

"The ROMACT programme, an initiative set up in 2013 together with the Council of Europe, also helps the Roma community by supporting local authorities in 115 municipalities by designing, funding and implementing policies and public services aimed at creating a more inclusive society for Roma. "


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