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Решенията на РОМАКТ Oбщините за ограничаване на въздействието на кризата COVID19 върху ромските общности.

Често възприемани от гражданите като нивото, което оказва най-голямо влияние върху условията на техния живот, местните власти са начело в борбата срещу пандемията COVID19. Докато редица общини на ROMACT са предприели мерки за ограничаване на въздействието на кризата върху гражданите, Програма ROMACT е на път да подкрепи усилията на Местните власти и на Местните Активни Групи (МАГ) да отговорят на нуждите на най-уязвимата част от обществото.
Добри практики от местното ниво

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.

ROMACT Municipalities’ Solutions to Limit COVID19 Crisis Impact on Roma Communities

Often perceived by citizens as the level having the most impact on their living conditions, local authorities are on the forefront on the fight against COVID19 pandemic. While a number of ROMACT municipalities have taken measures to limit the outbreak impact on citizens, the ROMACT Programme is about to support the efforts of the local authorities and of the Community Action Groups to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.


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