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ROMED awarded as the European Initiative of the Year!

The ROMED Programme was awarded the prize for the European Initiative of the Year during the 7th edition of the Roma Excellency Gala in Bucharest, which took place on 18 December - Minority Rights Day around the world. The event was organised by the Romanian Government, the Agency for Roma, and the “Pro Europa” Roma Party.

It was Mr Teodorovici, Minister for European Funds in the Romanian Government, who handed the award to Ms Aurora Ailincai, Coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the Council of Europe and European Commission.

ROMED awarded as the European Initiative of the Year!

The ROMED Programme was awarded the prize for the European Initiative of the Year during the 7th edition of the Roma Excellency Gala in Bucharest, which took place on 18 December - Minority Rights Day around the world. The event was organised by the Romanian Government, the Agency for Roma, and the “Pro Europa” Roma Party.

It was Mr Teodorovici, Minister for European Funds in the Romanian Government, who handed the award to Ms Aurora Ailincai, Coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the Council of Europe and European Commission.

ROMED awarded as the European Initiative of the Year!

The ROMED Programme was awarded the prize for the European Initiative of the Year during the 7th edition of the Roma Excellency Gala in Bucharest, which took place on 18 December - Minority Rights Day around the world. The event was organised by the Romanian Government, the Agency for Roma, and the “Pro Europa” Roma Party.

It was Mr Teodorovici, Minister for European Funds in the Romanian Government, who handed the award to Ms Aurora Ailincai, Coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the Council of Europe and European Commission.

ROMED awarded as the European Initiative of the Year!

The ROMED Programme was awarded the prize for the European Initiative of the Year during the 7th edition of the Roma Excellency Gala in Bucharest, which took place on 18 December - Minority Rights Day around the world. The event was organised by the Romanian Government, the Agency for Roma, and the “Pro Europa” Roma Party.

It was Mr Teodorovici, Minister for European Funds in the Romanian Government, who handed the award to Ms Aurora Ailincai, Coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the Council of Europe and European Commission.

ROMED awarded as the European Initiative of the Year!

The ROMED Programme was awarded the prize for the European Initiative of the Year during the 7th edition of the Roma Excellency Gala in Bucharest, which took place on 18 December - Minority Rights Day around the world. The event was organised by the Romanian Government, the Agency for Roma, and the “Pro Europa” Roma Party.

It was Mr Teodorovici, Minister for European Funds in the Romanian Government, who handed the award to Ms Aurora Ailincai, Coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the Council of Europe and European Commission.

ROMED awarded as the European Initiative of the Year!

The ROMED Programme was awarded the prize for the European Initiative of the Year during the 7th edition of the Roma Excellency Gala in Bucharest, which took place on 18 December - Minority Rights Day around the world. The event was organised by the Romanian Government, the Agency for Roma, and the “Pro Europa” Roma Party.

It was Mr Teodorovici, Minister for European Funds in the Romanian Government, who handed the award to Ms Aurora Ailincai, Coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the Council of Europe and European Commission.

Lancement de ROMED2 et ROMACT en Hongrie

Les nouveaux programmes ROMED2 et ROMACT ont été lancés en Hongrie le 4 Octobre 2013 lors d'une conférence nationalé où près de 100 acteurs nationaux et internationaux ont pris part. M. Laszlό Andor, Commissaire Européen pour l'emploi, les affaires sociales et l'inclusion, M. Zoltàn Kovàcs, le Secrétaire d'état pour l'inclusion sociale ainsi que M. Schokkenbroek, Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l'Europe pour les questions relatives aux Roms ont félicité et souligné l'importance de ces nouvelles activités.

Lancement de ROMED2 et ROMACT en Hongrie

Les nouveaux programmes ROMED2 et ROMACT ont été lancés en Hongrie le 4 Octobre 2013 lors d'une conférence nationalé où près de 100 acteurs nationaux et internationaux ont pris part. M. Laszlό Andor, Commissaire Européen pour l'emploi, les affaires sociales et l'inclusion, M. Zoltàn Kovàcs, le Secrétaire d'état pour l'inclusion sociale ainsi que M. Schokkenbroek, Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l'Europe pour les questions relatives aux Roms ont félicité et souligné l'importance de ces nouvelles activités.

Lancement de ROMED2 et ROMACT en Hongrie

Les nouveaux programmes ROMED2 et ROMACT ont été lancés en Hongrie le 4 Octobre 2013 lors d'une conférence nationalé où près de 100 acteurs nationaux et internationaux ont pris part. M. Laszlό Andor, Commissaire Européen pour l'emploi, les affaires sociales et l'inclusion, M. Zoltàn Kovàcs, le Secrétaire d'état pour l'inclusion sociale ainsi que M. Schokkenbroek, Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l'Europe pour les questions relatives aux Roms ont félicité et souligné l'importance de ces nouvelles activités.

Launching of ROMED2 in Belgium

On 4th December 2013, ROMED2 was officially launched in Belgium during an event attended by representatives of the various administrative levels in Belgium, Roma representatives and mediators and several regional offices of the PPS Social Integration, Anti-Poverty Policy, Social Economy and Federal Urban Policy Department of the Federal Government. The Programme will involve Roma communities in the framework of the PPS SI, in adaptation to the Belgian context of democratic governance.

The event was marked by strong testimonies from mediators present, trained during the first phase of the Programme, as well as by the exchanges on Roma community organizing with Ms Liliya Makaveeva, member of the National Support Team of ROMED2 and ROMACT programmes in Bulgaria.


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