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ROMACT Meeting of Mayors from Hungary, 19 March, Budapest

Copyright @Marius Jitea

The Hungarian National Support Team organised together with Partners Hungary a meeting of mayors from  ROMACT/ROMED2 Hungarian municipalities.

ROMACT Meeting of Mayors from Hungary, 19 March, Budapest

Copyright @Marius Jitea

The Hungarian National Support Team organised together with Partners Hungary a meeting of mayors from  ROMACT/ROMED2 Hungarian municipalities.

ROMACT Meeting of Mayors from Hungary, 19 March, Budapest

Copyright @Marius Jitea

The Hungarian National Support Team organised together with Partners Hungary a meeting of mayors from  ROMACT/ROMED2 Hungarian municipalities.

ROMACT Meeting of Mayors from Hungary, 19 March, Budapest

Copyright @Marius Jitea

The Hungarian National Support Team organised together with Partners Hungary a meeting of mayors from  ROMACT/ROMED2 Hungarian municipalities.

Czech Republic makes progress, but more action needed to fight discrimination against Roma children


The Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma issues appreciates the message issued today by the Committee of Ministers to the government of the Czech Republic to fully execute the final judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in D.H. and Others vs The Czech Republic, so that the unjustified enrolment of Roma children in “special” (so-called now “practical”) schools and programmes intended for pupils with learning disabilities ends. We understand that fighting discrimination can be a complex challenge that requires both attitude changes, as well as changes in laws – and the full support of civil society. We welcome action plans that have been put forward by the Czech government to stop such discrimination.

Council of Europe firmly condemns anti-Roma rhetoric against a member of the ROMACT team

The Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma issues rejects without reservation comments made earlier this month by Lega Nord MEP Gianluca Buonanno, during the Italian TV show Piazza pulita broadcasted on La7.

Council of Europe firmly condemns anti-Roma rhetoric against a member of the ROMACT team

The Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma issues rejects without reservation comments made earlier this month by Lega Nord MEP Gianluca Buonanno, during the Italian TV show Piazza pulita broadcasted on La7.

MEP indulges in anti-Roma rhetoric during Italian TV show


The Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma issues rejects without reservation comments made earlier this month by Lega Nord MEP Gianluca Buonanno, during the Italian TV show Piazza pulita broadcasted on La7.

MEP Buonanno indulged in hate speech against Roma and their representative during the programme, Ms Dijana Pavlovic, President of the Roma and Sinti Federation and National Project Officer for ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

Statements that he made including “Gypsies are the dregs of the society” hardly contribute to fostering useful dialogue in addressing Roma issues.

MEP indulges in anti-Roma rhetoric during Italian TV show


The Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma issues rejects without reservation comments made earlier this month by Lega Nord MEP Gianluca Buonanno, during the Italian TV show Piazza pulita broadcasted on La7.

MEP Buonanno indulged in hate speech against Roma and their representative during the programme, Ms Dijana Pavlovic, President of the Roma and Sinti Federation and National Project Officer for ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

Statements that he made including “Gypsies are the dregs of the society” hardly contribute to fostering useful dialogue in addressing Roma issues.

MEP indulges in anti-Roma rhetoric during Italian TV show


The Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma issues rejects without reservation comments made earlier this month by Lega Nord MEP Gianluca Buonanno, during the Italian TV show Piazza pulita broadcasted on La7.

MEP Buonanno indulged in hate speech against Roma and their representative during the programme, Ms Dijana Pavlovic, President of the Roma and Sinti Federation and National Project Officer for ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

Statements that he made including “Gypsies are the dregs of the society” hardly contribute to fostering useful dialogue in addressing Roma issues.


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