Articles country

Vaccination and information campaigns initiated by CAGs in Romania

The vaccination and information campaigns address health-related priorities that were identified by the CAG and this action demonstrates that the Roma community can be engaged and mobilised with tangible results achieved.

Vaccination and information campaigns initiated by CAGs in Romania

The vaccination and information campaigns address health-related priorities that were identified by the CAG and this action demonstrates that the Roma community can be engaged and mobilised with tangible results achieved.

Vaccination and information campaigns initiated by CAGs in Romania

The vaccination and information campaigns address health-related priorities that were identified by the CAG and this action demonstrates that the Roma community can be engaged and mobilised with tangible results achieved.

ROMACT T.C.C. First mediation training in Belfast complete

Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.

ROMACT T.C.C. First mediation training in Belfast complete

Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.

ROMACT T.C.C. First mediation training in Belfast complete

Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.

ROMACT T.C.C. First mediation training in Belfast complete

Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.

ROMACT T.C.C. First mediation training in Belfast complete

Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.

ROMACT T.C.C. First mediation training in Belfast complete

Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.

ROMACT T.C.C. First mediation training in Belfast complete

Organised in cooperation with the Good Relations Office of the Belfast City Council, the session involved some 14 participants, representing both public bodies and NGOs from Belfast.


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