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Municipalities in Romania are benefiting from the Human Capital 2014-2020 Grants Programme

Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.

Municipalities in Romania are benefiting from the Human Capital 2014-2020 Grants Programme

Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.

Municipalities in Romania are benefiting from the Human Capital 2014-2020 Grants Programme

Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.

Municipalities in Romania are benefiting from the Human Capital 2014-2020 Grants Programme

Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.

Municipalities in Romania are benefiting from the Human Capital 2014-2020 Grants Programme

Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.

ROMACTED Programme to kick off in the Western Balkans and Turkey

ROMACTED, “Promoting good governance and Roma empowerment at local level”, is a Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe.

The programme will be implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Turkey by the Council of Europe’s Support Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma issues for a period of 36 months, starting in May.

The aims of the programme are to:

Working visit of Gothenburg to Buzau- 2-5 May

Representatives from Gothenburg Municipality, Sweden are currently in Buzau, Romania to assess the situation of Roma and exchange practice and experience with their Romanian counterparts in the field of education, employment, social inclusion and health.

Working visit of Gothenburg to Buzau- 2-5 May

Representatives from Gothenburg Municipality, Sweden are currently in Buzau, Romania to assess the situation of Roma and exchange practice and experience with their Romanian counterparts in the field of education, employment, social inclusion and health.

Working visit of Gothenburg to Buzau- 2-5 May

Representatives from Gothenburg Municipality, Sweden are currently in Buzau, Romania to assess the situation of Roma and exchange practice and experience with their Romanian counterparts in the field of education, employment, social inclusion and health.

Working visit of Gothenburg to Buzau- 2-5 May

Representatives from Gothenburg Municipality, Sweden are currently in Buzau, Romania to assess the situation of Roma and exchange practice and experience with their Romanian counterparts in the field of education, employment, social inclusion and health.


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