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The ROMACT programme helps Roma from the village of Valea Seaca in Romania to get ID documents

In Valea Seaca, the Roma are facing constant administrative difficulties resulting in a lack of identity documents, which essentially means that they do not “exist” administratively. 

Roma Women's meeting in Giulesti, Bucharest 6th Sector

The Community Action Group formed through the ROMED2 Programme in Giulesti (Bucharest 6th sector) was involved in the organization of an informal Roma women’s meeting at the Roma Culture Museum on 30 May 2015 - a round of exchanges with other initiative groups from Ferentari, Mizil, Spantov, Valea Seaca and Giurgiu.

9th CAHROM Meeting, 27 to 30 May 2015, Strasbourg


On 27 May 2015 the 9th Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma Issues (CAHROM) will start in Strasbourg, where over 120 participants confirmed attendance, including national experts from 41 member States, different CoE bodies, and representatives from EU Institutions, International Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations.

9th CAHROM Meeting, 27 to 30 May 2015, Strasbourg


On 27 May 2015 the 9th Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma Issues (CAHROM) will start in Strasbourg, where over 120 participants confirmed attendance, including national experts from 41 member States, different CoE bodies, and representatives from EU Institutions, International Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations.

Sharing the experience of ROMACT: Study visit of a Turkish delegation to Bulgaria

Study visit of a Turkish delegation in Bulgaria

A Turkish delegation comprising representatives from the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and of two NGOs working in the field of Roma rights visited a number of locations of ROMED2/ROMACT in Bulgaria in order to get acquainted with the different models of Roma social inclusion interventions.

Sharing the experience of ROMACT: Study visit of a Turkish delegation to Bulgaria

Study visit of a Turkish delegation in Bulgaria

A Turkish delegation comprising representatives from the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and of two NGOs working in the field of Roma rights visited a number of locations of ROMED2/ROMACT in Bulgaria in order to get acquainted with the different models of Roma social inclusion interventions.

Call for expression of interest - Roma Youth Action Plan evaluation

via the Youth Department of the Council of Europe

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is organising an evaluation of the first 3 years of its Roma Youth Action Plan.

The Roma Youth Action Plan (hereinafter the RYAP), was initiated in 2012 as a response of the Council of Europe to the challenges faced by Roma young people in Europe, particularly in relation to their empowerment, participation in policy and decision-making processes and structures at European level, and the realities of discrimination, particularly antigypsyism, with which they are confronted.

Call for expression of interest - Roma Youth Action Plan evaluation

via the Youth Department of the Council of Europe

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is organising an evaluation of the first 3 years of its Roma Youth Action Plan.

The Roma Youth Action Plan (hereinafter the RYAP), was initiated in 2012 as a response of the Council of Europe to the challenges faced by Roma young people in Europe, particularly in relation to their empowerment, participation in policy and decision-making processes and structures at European level, and the realities of discrimination, particularly antigypsyism, with which they are confronted.

ROMACT Meeting of Mayors from Hungary, 19 March, Budapest

Copyright @Marius Jitea

The Hungarian National Support Team organised together with Partners Hungary a meeting of mayors from  ROMACT/ROMED2 Hungarian municipalities.

ROMACT Meeting of Mayors from Hungary, 19 March, Budapest

Copyright @Marius Jitea

The Hungarian National Support Team organised together with Partners Hungary a meeting of mayors from  ROMACT/ROMED2 Hungarian municipalities.


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