Articles country

A home for Simona (Alesd, Romania): the construction is now finished

Good news for Simona and her family: the construction of their new house is now complete, and the house is connected to electricity and water.

Tundja - Final Meeting and Successful ROMACT Programme Conclusion

The most important result, noted by the municipality, was the creation of the Community Action Group  that actively participated for more than two years to facilitate all betting the implementation of the Municipal Plan for Roma Inclusion.

Tundja - Final Meeting and Successful ROMACT Programme Conclusion

The most important result, noted by the municipality, was the creation of the Community Action Group  that actively participated for more than two years to facilitate all betting the implementation of the Municipal Plan for Roma Inclusion.

Tundja - Final Meeting and Successful ROMACT Programme Conclusion

The most important result, noted by the municipality, was the creation of the Community Action Group  that actively participated for more than two years to facilitate all betting the implementation of the Municipal Plan for Roma Inclusion.

Call for tenders for ROMACT National Facilitators in Romania - Deadline - 17 February 2017

The Facilitator will undertake a facilitating function in relation to the implementation of the project activities at municipal level in his/her respective country.

Call for tenders for ROMACT National Facilitators in Romania - Deadline - 17 February 2017

The Facilitator will undertake a facilitating function in relation to the implementation of the project activities at municipal level in his/her respective country.


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