Children in situations of vulnerability: evaluations, problems and proposed solutions – Conference in Piatra Neamt, Romania

On 23 May 2024, the conference on “Children in situations of vulnerability: evaluations, challenges and proposed solutions” will take place in Piatra Neamț, Romania, organised by the Roma and Travellers Division of the Council of Europe and the Joint Programme of the European Union and Council of Europe - ROMACT “Building capacity for Roma Inclusion at Local Level”.
The event, which will be broadcasted online, will take stock of the current situation of vulnerable children in Romania in accessing social services and support, health services, quality education, and to discuss challenging issues for which solutions need to be identified through close cooperation between local and national authorities. The capacities and roles of social services at local level to respond to the needs will be discussed with stakeholders from relevant ministries and government officials, as well as with civil society organisations. The event will also give the opportunity for exchanging on promising practices, expertise and initiatives through which the Council of Europe and its partners are striving to support the implementation of European human rights standards and relevant national strategies on Roma inclusion.
The Conference will start at 9:00 and will end at 17:00 CET time (10:00 – 18:00 in Romania)
You can join us online, through this link:
Click here to access the concept note and the agenda of the conference. 
Click here to access the Romanian language version of the concept note and agenda.

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