Post date: 2017, 15 June
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is launching a call for proposals for grants.
It aims to co-fund national projects aimed at assisting National Support Teams with the implementation of the ROMACT methodology in the countries below. Find out the full list of Canadian casinos The deadline for that call is 15 July 2017.
For all information on this call and details on the procedure...
Post date: 2017, 24 May
Communities in four Romanian municipalities are celebrating the news that support and intervention projects for Roma communities is on its way.
Sighisoara, Marasesti, Tarnaveni and Vulcan have recently been notified that they were successful in their bids under the European Social Fund’s Human Capital Grants.
Working with our ROMACT team, these municipalities have designed programmes that will assist Roma communities at the highest risk of social exclusion and...
Post date: 2017, 21 April
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for consultants in Bulgaria, Italy and Romania.
Consultants will support the implementation of ROMACT Programme by providing consultancy services on various topics:
ROMACT methodology/Roma Inclusion/ Social Inclusion policies and practices;
Strategic planning, Technical aspects related to implementation of the Local Action Plans and Strategies,...
Post date: 2017, 28 March
Civil servants from South Eastern Romanian ROMACT participated in Public Procurement training from March 24-26 in Buzau, Romania.
The training focused initially on strategic, legal and institutional considerations and then allowed the opportunity for participants to work on more practical, real-life cases where they were tasked to address issues and come up with solutions.
One participant remarked, “I really learned things that I can apply, and while this was a challenging...
Post date: 2017, 8 March
A series of Community Action Group (CAG) trainings has started in North Western Romanian ROMACT municipalities. Community empowerment and mobilisation are the main focus of these workshops which started in Tarnaveni on 7th March. Tarnaveni has the largest Roma population in Mures County and the training day was attended by representatives from the seven Roma communities of Tarnaveni. During the training participants shared their perception of what constitutes a developed...
Post date: 2017, 31 January
Good news for Simona and her family: the construction of their new house is now complete, and the house is connected to electricity and water. However, the house still needs to be furnished and equipped with domestic appliances (refrigerator, washing machine, etc.), and firewood. Photo Gallery
Accounts for contributions in money are currently closed, but you can still make donations of goods by contacting Ms Laura Tartiu by e-mail :, or at the phone...
Post date: 2016, 20 December
In the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for National Facilitators’ Coordinators in Bulgaria (2), Czech Republic (1), Hungary (1), Italy (1) and Romania (2).
The National Facilitators’ Coordinator will undertake an organizational and coordination function in relation to the implementation of the ROMACT project activities at local level and will act as a conduit between facilitators...
Post date: 2016, 15 December
In the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for National Project Officers in Bulgaria (1), Czech Republic (1), Hungary(1), Italy (1), Romania (2) and the Slovak Republic (1).
The National Project Officer will undertake a coordination function in relation to the implementation of the ROMACT project and will act as a conduit between national, regional and local authorities on one hand, and the...
Post date: 2016, 12 December
The first event of the working visits module of the ROMACT T.C.C is taking place from 12 to 16 December, in Maramures County, Romania. It will prepare the ground for a project targeting Roma reinsertion to the employment market.
A team of representatives of Métropole européenne de Lille, France, and mandated partners such as AFEJI et l’Aréas is visiting Ponorata and Coroieni municipalities to initiate a transnational collaboration with the local authorities and...
Post date: 2016, 6 December
Launched in 2016, ROMACT T.C.C. (ROMACT Transnational Cooperation Component) is a new component of the ROMACT Programme that focuses on the cooperation between municipalities from or to which movements of marginalised populations occur, with a focus on Roma.
A networking event took place in Munich on 15-16 December to exchange experiences and enhance cooperation between interested cities. The event gathered representatives of local authorities and mandated NGOs which benefited from...
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