
Post date: 2024, 17 April
On this 8 April, celebrations of the international Roma Day took place, from France to Romania and Bulgaria. In Strasbourg, Council of Europe staff, newly elected Human Rights Commissioner Michael O’Flaherty, Roma and Roma friends gathered to cast flowers in the river as a sign of unity across the world at the sound of Marcel Loeffler’s band and Tosca Helmstetter’s beautiful voice. Meanwhile in Bulgaria and Romania over 15 ROMACT Programme municipalities participated in a...
Post date: 2023, 23 November
We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest ROMACT infographics on our official website. The updated data therein provides a comprehensive overview of the ongoing initiatives and collaborative progress achieved under the ROMACT methodology in Bulgaria and Romania. These infographics provide a brief presentation of the statistical outcomes resulting from our activities. They illustrate the quantifiable impact and advancements achieved through the application of the ROMACT...
Post date: 2023, 24 October
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission published report on “Multidimensional coaching for socio-economic advancement of people in poverty- Insights from innovative practices across the world” in which ROMACT Joint Programme has been included as good practice / methodology.   This report analyses promising practices that support people affected by long-term exposure to poverty in recovering their decision-making and planning capabilities. These practices do not...
Picture: Lina Kriosheva- Borovan, Bulgaria November 2022
Post date: 2022, 1 December
The 2020 Report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the Impact of labour migration on left-behind children highlighted the fact that “Leaving millions of children without parental care is a mass violation of human rights”. On 12 December, in Sofia, the Council of Europe – European Commission Joint Programme  ROMACT and the Bulgarian Ombudsperson’s office  organized a public discussion on children left behind by parents going abroad...
Post date: 2022, 30 November
This call for proposals is launched in the framework of the Council of Europe Project ROMACT. It aims to co-fund national projects aimed at assisting National Support Teams with the implementation of the ROMACT methodology in Bulgaria and Romania, with the ultimate aim of building capacity at local level for the integration of Roma.  For all information on this call and details on the procedure please refer to the documents below. The deadline for applications is 31 December 2022. Bulgaria...
Post date: 2022, 27 September
"It takes time, you need to be patient” was a recurrent sentence of the local stakeholders when asked about the ROMACT process by the consultants in charge of ROMACT evaluation back in 2021.   The latter highlighted that longer period of implementation could help the impact and sustainability of the process. Following that recommendation, ROMACT Programme is now giving the opportunity to former ROMACT municipalities to receive support to reinforce ROMACT process and ensure more...
Post date: 2022, 12 September
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Programme, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for consultants in Bulgaria. Consultants will support the implementation of ROMACT Programme by providing consultancy services on various topics: - Social economy / entrepreneurship; - Social protection and children’s rights; - Access to EU funds for small and large-scale infrastructure projects.   For all information on...
Post date: 2022, 5 September
Read and find out more about ROMACT in our newly published leaflet available in English, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Romanian. 
Post date: 2022, 20 July
Velingrad is a municipality located in southwestern Bulgaria, in Pazardzhik Province.  Approximately 10% of the population is Roma. For years, 80% of the inhabitants of the Roma neighborhoods of Asphaltova Baza and Anezitsa did not have access to running water and sanitation services. Thanks to the joint efforts of the Community Action Group and the Municipality, with ROMACT support, half of the population of these neighborhoods are now enjoying these basic rights. Video  
Post date: 2021, 6 July
The ROMACT Handbook will assist local stakeholders in improving the life of all citizens living in your municipality, including the Roma. It will help local administration and active citizens in objectively assessing what needs to be done in their municipality, assist them in planning actions together with all those concerned, and show them how to translate these plans into concrete measures, and when needed - how to access and use the EU and other fundings for that purpose. It will also assist...


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